
Connect regulatory content from multiple sources across your inventory and RegBook and RegInsight.

Stay organised and in control

Organise and group together regulatory content about a single topic across multiple areas. Model your compliance and risk program or perform research projects on upcoming regulation using groups

How it Works

Regulatory content grouping

RegGroup allows for the creation of groups that contain references to content within RegBook and RegInsight. Users can create groups and link them to other RegBook sections or RegInsight issuances. RegGroup supports unlimited groups and unlimited references within a group.

Groups can be arranged in a hierarchy to model complex compliance and risk structures. Groups are fully versioned making it easy to understand changes that have occurred over time.

Client Profiling

A unique regulatory profile - RegGroup integrates with RegProfile to only expose relevant regulatory content. Effective profiling can dramatically reduce the amount of regulatory content that is retrieved from RegPlatform.

Profile by jurisdiction

A jurisdiction represents the area that specific regulations apply, and may cover several countries or be restricted to a single country or even state or region within a country. Exclude the jurisdictions where you don’t have office locations or where you do not offer any products or services.

Profile by issuing body

An issuing body is an organisation or department that publishes regulatory information. Exclude issuing bodies that publish forward-looking content that is not relevant to your business.

Profile by issuance type

The issuance type is a high-level categorisation of content and can be used to prioritise or filter regulatory content. For example, you may want to focus on guidance, consultation and speeches and exclude newsletters and digests within your profile.

Want to know more?

If you want to learn more about any of our regulatory modules, don't hesitate to contact our dedicated team. We have experts on hand 24-7-365.