Amanda Khatri
Editorial Manager
The A-Team’s RegTech Insight has recognised CUBE as one of the 16 best conduct risk solution providers in 2022.
The regulatory spotlight is increasingly shining a light on misconduct, leading to an upward spike in new and changing regulatory developments. CUBE enables firms to effectively manage conduct risk by capturing these emerging regulations and, using AI, automatically mapping them to customers’ policies, procedures and controls. This enables firms to know the regulations that matter to them in an instant, freeing up the compliance team and other departments to focus on preventing misconduct and taking punitive action where it does occur.
CUBE’s AI-powered RegTech features alongside 15 other conduct risk solution providers:
CUBE manages conduct and compliance risk for financial institutions of all shapes and sizes. If you’re struggling to keep up with regulatory obligations for risk management, speak to the team.
Find out more
This piece was originally published in The Financial Times . You can read the original article here.