IBM® OpenPages® with IBM Watson® is an AI-driven, highly scalable governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) solution. Centralise siloed risk management functions within a single environment designed to help you identify, manage, monitor, and report on risk and regulatory compliance.


Our Partnership

IBM OpenPages is a market-leading GRC provider to large financial institutions across the globe. CUBE’s integration with IBM OpenPages is seamless, scalable, powerful, and able to meet the demands of many of the world’s largest and most complex financial services firms. IBM OpenPages is a fully integrated, flexible enterprise risk platform that breaks down silos and opens up GRC capabilities to leaders across the organisation, supported by CUBE’s Automated Regulatory Intelligence suite of tools. 

Teaming with IBM Openpages embodies CUBE's mission to redefine compliance. The integration of our technologies empowers businesses with a cutting-edge approach, and allows us to deliver mission-critical regulatory intelligence where our clients need it most.

- Emma Wexler, CUBE Head of Channel, Americas

A fully unified, smarter GRC environment

Simplify data governance, risk management and regulatory compliance with IBM OpenPages — a highly scalable, AI-powered, and unified GRC platform.

Primary Services

  • GRC Governance, Risk, Compliance
  • Enterprise Risk Management


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United States