Amanda Khatri
Editorial Manager
A message from Ben Richmond, CUBE CEO & Founder, in regard to how CUBE is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
CUBE is a company founded on problem-solving for our customers – specifically the regulatory challenges that they face in their everyday working life. Our purpose has always been to solve complex challenges, add value, and provide our customers with best in class innovation, products, and support.
COVID-19 is a global challenge on an unprecedented scale. Whilst there is not a great deal CUBE can offer in terms of solving such a challenge, we can do our bit in both looking after our teams, helping to reduce the spread of the virus, and continuing to solve regulatory problems for our customers. By doing this we can help our customers to focus on how they can help the world solve the economic fall-out that will impact us all in the aftermath of the virus.
The challenges that COVID-19 has presented to the world, both for its people and the economy, has uncovered many ‘blind spots’ in our social and industrial ecosystem that the regulators will undoubtedly look to address once we overcome this pandemic. This will bring a new wave of regulatory complexity as this ‘new normal’ becomes something we will do by design, not because we are presented with no other choice. To that end, CUBE will, as always, look to provide clarity to our customers on what they need to know and act upon as new regulatory initiatives unfold. As a starting point, we want to keep our customers well-informed about regulatory perspectives around the globe and have compiled a series of COVID-19 resources detailing the latest dialogue from leading regulators regarding the pandemic.
CUBE is intrinsically a digital-first business – a technology company that has been built on the premise of virtual working, so the transition to a life working from home for the CUBE team across the globe has been a relatively straight forward one. This remote working will continue for as long as necessary to protect the well-being of our staff and their families. We will also continue to consider whether global travel is essential, even after the pandemic subsides.
We have always believed in transformation via technology. Now, more than ever, technology is key and in so many ways will present the solutions we need to tackle this global challenge. You can be assured that here at CUBE, we are leveraging the technology at our disposal and working together to keep the business running as per usual, to meet the needs of our customers, without interruption, in these challenging times.
From all of us at CUBE, I want to thank you for being a valued customer and I wish you and your families continuing good health in the coming months.
Ben Richmond, Founder and CEO, CUBE