Real-time monitoring of every payment services regulation from across the globe curated, sorted, and distilled for fintech's fastest-moving sector.
The regulatory tide is turning
The trillion-dollar global payments sector is undergoing a paradigm shift.
Regulators are moving to rein in the innovate-fast-and-break-things mentality with a barrage of new rules.
For payment firms wishing to scale and stay within the regulatory boundaries, a new approach to compliance is required.
Annual rise in global cashless payment volumes$10 tril+
Annual value of card payments85%
Rise in number of digital payments, per person, per year since 2021Partners in payments compliance
CUBE is the market leader for total compliance management, with customised solutions for the entire lifecycle of payments services regulations. From horizon scanning to intelligent compliance management and automated policy and control mapping, CUBE is the complete regulatory change management solution for the fast-moving payments sector.
Robust compliance for the stars of fintech
CUBE's industry-leading compliance solutions have helped payment services firms meet onerous compliance demands while they scale at pace. Get access to the entire world of regulatory content and build compliance functions capable of meeting any demand.

How AI enhances payments compliance
Digital payment volumes are soaring, and regulatory pressure is rising. Download our free strategy playbook for insights into how AI embedded into the compliance function can help payment firms beat the competition.
Automated Regulatory Intelligence
Understand the world’s regulatory content. Standardise and map changes to your business profile and compliance frameworks with the most comprehensive automated solution.
Get in touch
We always strive to listen and value feedback. If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to explore our Automated Regulatory Intelligence solutions, don't hesitate to get in touch. Our dedicated team is here to assist you.