Advanced search and filtering
Filter and search regulatory information using terms within your own taxonomies.
How it Works
Mapping connects your internal classification systems to CUBE’s industry classification
RegMap helps map one or more taxonomies to concepts that already exist within the CUBE standard ontology. As every piece of regulatory content within RegPlatform has been classified using CUBE ontology concepts, issuances can be automatically associated with more taxonomy concepts.
RegMap supports multiple taxonomies including compliance topic areas, existing compliance and risk frameworks or risk levels. Taxonomies can be hierarchal in nature and can be mapped to any level of the CUBE ontology.
Client Profiling
Client profiling ensures that regulatory content is relevant for your firm. Why spend precious time and resources reading and processing irrelevant information when it can be automatically excluded?
Profile by jurisdiction
A jurisdiction represents the area that specific regulations apply and could cover several countries or be restricted to a single country, state or region within a country. Exclude the jurisdictions where you do not have office locations or where you do not offer any products or services.
Profile by issuing body
An issuing body is an organization or department that publishes regulatory information. Exclude issuing bodies that publish rules or regulations that are not relevant to your business.
Profile by issuance type
The issuance type is a high-level categorization of content and can be used to prioritize or filter regulatory content. For example, you may want to focus on rule books, acts and laws and exclude speeches, guidance and consultations within your profile.
Want to know more?
If you want to learn more about any of our regulatory modules, don't hesitate to contact our dedicated team. We have experts on hand 24-7-365.